Background check Screening Policy
Background screenings are required for all volunteers who desire to act in the following capacities:
- Sport Commissioners
- Assistant Sport Commissioners
- Staff Members
- Team Managers
- Head Coaches
- Assistant Coaches
- Team Helpers
- Officials, Umpires & Referees
- Concession Attendants
A person will be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a volunteer if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes. Guilty means that a person was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, entered a no contest plea accompanied by a court finding of guilty, regardless of whether there was an adjudication of guilt (conviction) or a withholding of guilt.
Sex Offenses
- All Sex Offenses – Regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, indecent exposure, etc.
- All Felony Violence – Regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated burglary, etc.
- All Felony Offenses other than violence or sex within the past 10 years.
Examples include: drug offenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, child endangerment, etc.
- All Misdemeanor Violence offenses within the past 7 years.
Examples include: simple assault, battery,domestic violence, hit & run, etc.
- All Misdemeanor Drug & Alcohol Offenses within the past 5 years or multiple offenses in the past 10 years.
Examples include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession or drug paraphernalia, etc.
- Any other misdemeanor within the past 5 years that would be considered a potential danger to children or is directly related to the functions of that volunteer.
Examples include: contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing alcohol to a minor, theft – if person is handling monies, etc.
Coaches Code of Conduct:
- I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players.
- I will always show respect for players, other coaches, and game officials.
- I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship at all times.
- I will demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game, and teach these rules to my players. ·I will never use abusive or insulting language. I will treat everyone with dignity.
- I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, regardless of the situation.
- I will not allow the use of anabolic agents or stimulants, drugs, tobacco, or alcohol by any of my players.
- I will never knowingly jeopardize the eligibility and participation of a student-athlete.
- Youth have a greater need for example than criticism. I will be the primary soccer role model.
- I will at all times conduct myself in a positive manner.
- Coaching is motivating players to produce their best effort, inspiring players to learn, and encouraging players to be winners.
- My actions on sidelines during games shall be in the spirit of “good sportsmanship” at all times. Profanity, profane gestures, arguing, inciting disruptive behavior by spectators and/or players, or any conduct not in the spirit of good sportsmanship, shall require disciplinary action from the affiliate.
- I shall not possess, consume or distribute before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs.
- I will refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely uponTSC, its members or its programs.
- I will accurately and completely complete the coach/volunteer application form and by application attest to the accuracy of the information submitted.
For Coaches Certification visit The club does no reimburse for any education fee. The certifications is for your own benefit. The club will provide professional training to coaches prior to Fall and Spring season.
Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents & Coaches
U.S. Soccer Player Development Initiatives
Welcome to U.S. Soccer’s presentation on the Player Development Initiatives. We want to make sure all members of the community are as up-to-date as possible on our collective plan to attract, develop and retain players to best of their abilities.
The PDF presentation below serves as a resource to inform all stakeholders about current PDI mandates (standards) and to provide additional recommendations regarding best practices (philosophies) for players 12 years of age and younger.
Download the full PDF presentation: English | Español
Download the Frequently Asked Questions document: English | Español
Birth Year Registration – Register players according to a Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 time frame
Focus moves away from the team and onto the individual player
Development and winning do not have to happen independently from one another
Our misguided desire to win at all costs at the youth levels often comes at the expense of individual player development
This change will inspire many parents and coaches to rethink how teams will be formed moving forward and this should take place with each individual player in mind based on his or her developmental needs
The focus moves away from bigger, faster, stronger
Changing to birth year registration doesn’t eliminate relative age effect (RAE) because whenever there is a defined age range, someone will be the oldest and someone will be the youngest; however, this change does help better understand and account for RAE
Parents and coaches should have an increased awareness of a player’s birth month relative to his or her peer group and level of performance
This should help combat focusing on kids that appear to be better simply because they are up to 364 days older than a teammate or opponent
Uniformity across the country and across membership
The current landscape is highly variable
A uniform framework allows U.S. Soccer, and the programs of our members, to provide consistent messaging and education for parents, players, coaches and referees
Having uniformity doesn’t mean that all soccer will look the same in all places at all times
It does mean that the soccer community can be better aligned with U.S. Soccer’s player development objectives and we can collectively harness the advantage our nation’s diversity and populations has to offer
Aligns with international standards for youth development
This means aligning with the international standards used by the world’s leading soccer nations so that kids in the United States are developing in an environment similar to those playing in Germany, France, Spain, etc.
Birth Year Registration Chart – 2017 U.S. Soccer Player Development Initiatives
Small-Sided Games – Development philosophy and playing standards for players 12 and younger
Develop improved skills with the ball
Players improve confidence and comfort with basic ball skills (dribbling, trapping, passing, etc…)
Develop intelligence with and without the ball
Promote faster decisions and better awareness
Develop partnerships within the team
Provide an age appropriate environment
Standards align with physiological needs of players based on year of birth
Uniformity across the country and across membership
Similar to the outcomes listed for birth year registration, having consistent standards allows U.S. Soccer and the programs of our members to provide more meaningful messaging and education for parents, players, coaches and referees
Small-Sided Games Chart – 2017 U.S. Soccer Player Development Initiatives
Implementation Timeline All information about the Concussion Initiative is implemented with immediate effect.
Birth year registration and the small sided standards will be mandated in August 2017
Some members chose to adopt these initiatives earlier and began implementing in prior to August 2017
Please contact your local member organization for more information on implementation
The Player Development Philosophy information is provided to encourage as best practices
Although not currently mandated, U.S. Soccer believes members should adopt these principles to align with our values and objectives for player development